
Updates are functions that enable simple transformations of elements. An update is triggered via dispatching of actions.

register(kind, actionType, fn)

Registers an update to a specific kind and action type.


import { update } from '@skele/classic'

update.register(['scene', 'article'], 'toggleIsBookmarked', el =>
  el.set('isBookmarked', !el.get('isBookmarked'))

forKind(kind, registrationFn)

Registers updates to a specific kind using a registration function.


import { update } from '@skele/classic'

update.forKind(['scene', 'article', 'briefing'], updates => {
  updates.register('toggleIsBookmarked', el =>
    el.set('bookmarked', !el.get('bookmarked'))
  updates.register('toggleIsRead', el => el.set('isRead', !el.get('isRead')))

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